
About Us






Shanghai Anglye Ltd is a professional supplier specially targeting for sarred hotels and restaurants. Our golden rule is "Low cost with high efficiency",we provide you best products with reasonable price and seamless service.
Our Vision: To be a preferred and reliable supplier to hotels and restaurants.
Our Philosophy: Commitment, Dedication, Professionalism and Innovation.



专业 | 昂逸以更广的思维方式及专业的产品知识,为客户提供更优质的服务,从根上为客户节约成本。

诚信 | 昂逸坚持一 切以诚信为本,杜绝AB换货,假冒伪劣产品。确保所有产品优质、稳定。

创新 | 昂逸时刻与社会发展同进步,不断提升产品创新,让客户实时感受昂逸的服务。

信赖 | 昂逸的多元化服务,最终目的是让客户更加放心以及对我们的信赖。




昂逸( Aangyle )以客户需求为导向,本着“专业、诚信、创新、信赖"的经营理念,为酒店、餐饮客户推出酒店用品“产品手册”,实现一册在手,订货轻松拥有。

Based on your needs, Angyle provides you this *Catalog" with our Professionalism, Reputation, Innovation and Trust",make your jourmney of purchasing pleasant and easier.





We manage products by strict distributor monitoring and high standard receiving.Classify,assemble and label according to your order and provide you a safe and express delivery.


开业筹建业务 | 根据客户酒店餐饮的开业要求及实际情况变化进行的备货及配送等服务,并配有专业的人员上门协调搬运, 清点及收货。


酒店客户补货 | 提供总部下单, 触发连锁多点自动补货,自动补货提醒等服务。


餐饮日常补货 | 送货时间精确到小时,并提供“ 摆放到货架最后-厘米”的贴心服务。



Business for opening

On site specialist to coordinate moving and receiving in comply with opening request and actual situation of a new hotel or restaurant.


Hotel client replenishment

Order from the headquarter, we provide a remind system and automatic replenishment service.


Daily Replenishment

Delivery is punctual and we promise to locate our products precisely according to your request.




昂逸(Angyle )拥有-支经过专业培训,经过丰富的设备安装,维护团队,并通过和国内外供应厂商及国内知名的餐饮设备专业维护企业进行合作,为客户提供厨房设备、机具、加工器械等方面限时、高效、主动的售后维修服务、日常保养以及应急服务。



After Sale


Angyle has an experienced solid team for assembling and maintenance. We also have collaboration with global and domestic suppliers, aiming to provide you an efficient and active after sale service and maintenance.